

Winnipeg House

Winnipeg House (Photo: Phoebe Chard)

Winnipeg House

Winnipeg House (Photo: Phoebe Chard)

Winnipeg House

Winnipeg House (Photot: Phoebe Chard)


Winnipeg House (Photo: Phoebe Chard)

Winnipeg House

Winnipeg House (Photo: Phoebe Chard)

A surprisingly common sight in Winnipeg – houses raised up while new  higher higher or deeper basements are built underneath. The ground is an aggressive clay that leaves many houses heaving in strange directions.

Thanks for the photos, Phoebe



Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

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Intrepid Bridge

Intrepid Bridge

The bridge of the Intrepid aircraft carrier on New York’s West Side is encrusted with add on programmatic pieces. Each of these pieces has a different language yet the whole thing still appears to make sense.

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I posted pictures from a similar ‘plane from Duxford a while ago. This one is from PIMA and shows the hinge that allows the wings to be swept back for storage on an aircraft carrier. There is a single axis hinge and one flap that falls down to accommodate the movement and then come back together with a continuous aerodynamic surface. It must have taken some working out – I wonder if this was done through drawings or models?